Herring in horseradish sauce with onion, capers and pepper

Ingredients: 100 g of horseradish, 60 g of mayonnaise, onion 1 pc. finely diced, capers, marinated pepper, salted herring in oil 150 g, salt, sugar, coarsely ground pepper.

How to make herring in horseradish sauce with onion, capers and pepper?

Sauce - mix mayonnaise with horseradish, add diced onion, add marinated pepper, a pinch of sugar, a pinch of salt, a pinch of coarsely ground pepper as desired and mix everything. Season to taste as desired.
Soak herring in water for about 30 minutes. Then, after draining from the water, roll up using a toothpick or cut into strips.
Place the herring on a plate or platter and pour the sauce over it. Sprinkle with capers as desired.

Tip: for decoration, you can use ruccoli, chopped red pepper.

Herring in horseradish sauce with onion, capers and pepper
Herring in horseradish sauce with onion, capers and pepper
Herring in horseradish sauce with onion, capers and pepper

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